Tag: blog

  • Welcome to Penopathy

    Between forums, subreddits, social media pages, groups, blogs, sites, YouTube channels and whatnot, there is already a plethora of information about fountain pens and writing in general out there. 

    So, why another blog?

    No reason, really. I felt I needed something to vent out my interest online, without the annoyances of social media. I doubt I will be reviewing sophisticated fountain pens that cost thousand of pounds (or Euros) – I don’t even think I will be doing rigorous, sophisticated reviews at all. It mostly will be about my impressions and sensations, and everybody is, of course, welcome to comment. These impressions of mine will be just that – impressions. If I declare my absolute love for, let’s say, the Kaweco Sport (which, by the way, I haven’t had the chance to try it yet – but plan to) and you think that it is an overrated pen and that the Diplomat Magnum (another pen I haven’t had the pleasure to try) is the holy grail of fountain pens, I’m okay with that. Let’s just keep it civil, though, okay? 

    We even have the Horrible Logo(TM) (no, it’s not really registered). I hope to make it better one day, maybe using actual fountain pens, but for now it will do… 

     So whether you are an experienced fountain pen user, or a newbie… welcome and hope you enjoy your stay!

